The Stealth - Hidden Prong Assembly
Click here for Custom Stealth Collar Listing
Or here for the Stealth Collar Theme Design Listing.
1. Lay collar with the elastic facing up.
Insert end prongs starting from the second to last elastic and feeding the back end (non prong end) in first. Use a set of tweezers if necessary; they will have a snug fit.
2. Insert the back end into the last two elastics.

3. Weave the last elastic under the curve of the prong.

4. Insert the next prong (again back end first) under the next elastic and then squeeze the legs of the previous prong to attach the two together.

5. Continue placing additional prongs evenly on both sides of the collar and leaving a gap between the left set of prongs and the right set of prongs (this could be with or without an unused elastic strip in the middle).